Background to the Science
A History of Computing
A History of Computing
Background to the Science
50 Years of Research Computing Facilities
Significant Events in STFC Computing History
Computer Hardware available to DL Collaborators
The 1960s
The 1970s
The Cray-1
The 1980s
The 1990s
More recently
Year 2000 onwards
2005-2012: NW-GRID, the North West Grid
Distributed Computing
The Importance of Networking
The UNIX revolution, 1988-1994
The Future?
2012 onwards. The Hartree Centre and Big Data.
The UK's e-Infrastructure
The Hartree Centre
50 Years of Big Data Impact
Notes on Visit made to Daresbury, 12 February 1974
The Early Days of CCP4, c.1977
Archive Images
Computer systems at Daresbury over the Years
Exhibitions and Artefacts
Collection Catalogue
Interesting Facts
Why does a Computer need to be so big?
Need to move data around
Amdahl's Law
Moore's Law
Interesting Facts and Figures.
Rob Allan 2024-08-16