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Rootes Heritage, Unit 15 Apollo Office Park
Ironstone Lane, Wroxton, Banbury, Oxon OX15 6AY

Rootes Heritage

Rootes Archive Centre

Shop Front.

Merchandise and Gifts available from the Archive Centre.

We are revising our range of merchandise and will publish new information soon.

Classic overalls in dark blue are available with the Rootes Service logo printed onto them. Cost is £35.00 plus postage. There are a few left with stiched logos, but they are the last ones now. Buy them at the NEC!

Christmas 2017


If you are looking for inspiration for that Christmas present for either yourself or a loved one then look no further.

The Rootes Archive Centre are offering a blue plastic Rootes Service branded Folder and a Service Record Book.

The wallet contains 4 xA5 clear plastic sleeves, 2 xcredit card size sleeves and 1 sleeve to hold the Service record log book. The item is suitable for all Rootes Group cars from the 1950's, 60's and into the mid 1970's.

The service book has spaces for recording up to 30 services . The Folder holds manufacturer's handbooks of the period, insurance documents, AA or RAC cards, membership cards, MOT certs etc.

The Folder and Service Book cost only £15 plus £2 for postage


Copies of drawings can be made in various formats. Please enquire from Matt for more information.


In line with our Trust objectives, we have in stock a number of informative books about the Rootes Group and its products. These include the following.

  • Cars of the Rootes Group (G. Robson)
  • Remembering Rootes
  • Remembering Rootes Volume 2
  • Rootes Maestros (G. Robson)
  • Works Wonders (M. Chambers)
  • Hillman Cars 1945-1964 (M. Bobbitt)

DVDs etc.

Some of the Stanley Schofield films commissioned by Rootes are now available on DVD.

  • The Sunbeam Rapier Collection: 1,000 Miles in 14 Hours; The Rally Breed; Alpine Experience; Greek Acropolis 1960; Ordeal in the Alps; Rallye Controle; Rally Grand Prix; and A Rally Recalled.
  • The Imp Collection: Making the Imp; Highland Imp; Miss Smith and her Imp; Special Section; Record Breaking Imp; North American Imp; Monte Carlo Imp; Mountain Imp.

Single DVD, £10.00 plus postage.

Heritage Certificates.

We can produce an individual Certificate and Car Details Sheet for your Rootes vehicle. This includes precise dating information plus a variety of other data authenticating the vehicle as it left the production line. A valuable addition for a cherished vehicle and essential if you are trying to confirm its identity. We can print an extra information sheet with history and photographs provided by you. See Certificates (link). Please send orders to Bob Allan: e-Mail: boballan@rootesarchivecentre.org.uk; Tel: 01925 267084 (6-8pm eve).

Heritage Certificate including Car Details Sheet (basic price): £35.00 including PnP = total £35.00
Additional search: £5.00
Extra sheet: £1.20 = total £26.20
Overseas: please add an extra £4.00
PayPal or Credit Card: please add 5%

Utility Warehouse Discount Club.

We are registered with the Utility Warehouse Discount Club (link). By subscribing, you can save money on your utility bills and the Archive Centre gets a small income too.

Prices, Ordering and More Information.

You can see more information and order forms can be down loaded from the links below.

If you wish to use PayPal please send payment to mattollman@rootesarchivecentre.org.uk and please add 5% to cover the fees.

Please contact us immediately if you are un-happy with any of your purchases. Any faulty item will be replaced or a full re-fund will be provided.

"Preserving the past for the future."
Rootes Heritage, Unit 15 Apollo Office Park, Ironstone Lane, Wroxton, Banbury, Oxon OX15 6AY, UK

The Rootes Archive Centre is registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales number 1108882.
Patrons: Lord Rootes, T.D. Rootes, W.B. Rootes.

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Web site developed and maintained by R.J. Allan
"Hand Knitted Software" 2005-18

Comments on and contributions to the Web site should be send to Bob Allan (e-mail).

Page last modified: Sunday, 12-Sep-2021 14:31:42 CEST