Rootes Archive Centre

Finding the Archive Centre.

How to find the Archive Centre.

The address of the Centre from November 2017 is:

Rootes Heritage, Unit 15 Apollo Office Park,
Ironstone Lane, Wroxton, Banbury, Oxon OX15 6AY

The history of Wroxton ironstone works and the Apollo Park development is given on the Web site here.

Entrance to Apollo Park

Directions from M40

Wroxton is situated just 3 miles from Banbury and 16 miles from Stratford on the main A422 Banbury to Stratford-upon-Avon road. Apollo Park lies on the eastern edge of the English Cotswolds.

Caution: Speed camera on your right after about 1/4 mile.


(Please note that these are fairly large downloads that may take a few minutes to complete depending on the speed of your internet connnection).

Click here to download a 1:250,00 location map in PDF format.
Click here to download a 1:17,500 local map in PDF format.