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Rootes Archive Centre Trust

The Tiger Collection

Graham Vickery, James Spencer, Matt Ollman and Friends


Several members of the US West Coast CAT and STOA clubs, namely Buck Trippel, Tom Hall, Darren Mountjoy, Patrick King and Bill Rogers, visited in mid-October. Of course they were looking for Tiger related documentation, and are closely involved with what is known as the TAC authentication scheme, for which the original drawings at the Archive Centre are particularly helpful. During their 5-day visit they also catalogued many other drawings and spent an afternoon at the Coventry Transport Museum inspecting the Jensen records - if you don't know already, it was Jensens who modified the Sunbeam Alpine chassis to take the Tiger's large Ford V8 engine. There is more information about the visit on the Web site.

This document is available from the Rootes Archive Centre Web site at A PDF format copy of this document can be obtained from You probably won't want to print it as there are over 100 pages, but it is searchable with a suitable PDF reader.

© Rootes Archive Centre 2012-13. The Rootes Archive Centre and Sunbeam Tiger Owners' Club do not accept any responsibility for loss or damage arising either directly or indirectly from the use of information contained in any of their reports or in any communication about their tests or investigations. Whilst we have tried to be as accurate as possible, some errors may have occured in the cataloguing process or interpretation.

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Rob Allan 2013-10-20