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ECR and EMR: Engineering Change and Modification Requests

A large quantity of engineering change requests exist and we have yet to check through these. It is likely that they contain substantial information about when and why the production specifications were altered which could explain a lot about the models we have today and the process by which they evolved to be durable and reliable. Some of these change requests would also have resulted in service bulletins so that changes could be retro-fitted to cars already sold.


Note some of the ECR numbers are marked on the drawing issue cards and in the master record books.

This is only a sample of the ECRs taken from the last index card drawer. This has not been done systematically yet.


Number comments date drawing
ECR246 Insulated swage filler unit front RH/LR 1970 77212026-7
ECR1418 Fitting instr drg ind front seat recline 1970 77212071
ECR1591 Slide assy front seat 1970 77212072-3
ECR1746     77212563
ECR2078 Cover trim pad door 1970 77212090-1
ECR2410 Spring case assy rear squab contoured 1970 77212093
ECR2520 Spring case assy rear squab contoured 1970 77212092
ECR4217 Trim pad rear qtr assy 1971 77212316-7
ECR4858 Underbody sealing 1971 77212200
ECR5322 Insulated swage filler unit front RH/LR 1970 77212026-7
ECR5667 Spring case intalastic cushion rear seat 1971 77212094
ECR5670 Tension spring flexolator platform 1971 77212344
ECR6036 Trim pad rear qtr assy 1972 77212202-3
ECR6081 Slide assy front seat 1971 77212072-3
ECR8106 Mat rear floor 1972 7212562
ECR8767 Mat rear floor 1972 7212562
ECR8861 Glove box 1973 77211887 etc.
ECR9031 Control bonnet lock assy 1973 77211890
ECR10212 Control bonnet lock assy 1973 77211890
ECR10358 Spring case intalastic cushion rear seat 1973 77212094
ECR10532 Bumper overrider rear 1973 77211891
ECR11313 Assy backlight 1973 77211941 etc.
ECR12515 Housing glove box lock 1974 77211974
ECR13032 Lock set 1974 77211935 etc.
ECR13844 Engine rear x/member assy 1972 77211928-9
ECR13844 Assy panel spare wheel floor 1975 77212674
ECR13976 Instr drg track fitting 1975 77211934
ECR14163 Cover dash centre accel pedal linkage 1975 77212783
ECR14213 Assy panel finisher mtg lock suppt 1975 77212875
ECR14368 Bkt safety harness rear quarter 1975 77212794-5
ECR14494 Lock set 1975 77211935
ECR14617 Bumper overrider rear 1975 77211891
PCN15146 Assy panel door inside 1976 77212942-3

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Rob Allan 2013-10-20