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Members' Cars.

In this page we give examples of cars owned by local members. I decided to start a new page in January 2008. The older gallery can still be seen here: Members' Cars, pre-2008 photos.

Some people have chosen not to show their cars on this page, but you can nevertheless talk to them at local meetings and shows. Thanks go to Ron Aspinwall, John Orson and others for some of the digital images.

We also include a page of cars for sale locally. This may not always be up to date, so please be patient!

Stuart's picnic - how did they fit it in that car?

Your choice of colour? Chris Whitworth is going green.

Graham has a well earned rest.

For sale

Rally Stiletto maybe?

Close Inspection.
Mike and Zoe explain how to build a winning car.

Sunbeam in Sunshine.

Paul's awesome road-legal V8 drag racer. I've just heard that now uprated to 800BHP. Did I say its awesome? Well it is...

Mike and Matthew Vokes' pre-67 rally car.

Chamois belonging to Barry the Bus.

Rob and Rick's Imp next to Max Hammond's.

Phil Robinson's home-built sports car.

Colin Mack's Stiletto next to Graham Traxon's Husky.

My Californian still going strong next to Colin Valentine's G15.

Dave the Van, err, with his Van of course...

Mark A-Z brought his mint G15 again.

Jim R. McKenzie's 998cc Fraser replica with Ron trying to ignore it.

Billy Crampton's Imp with Jimmy asleep - far too much excitement for one day.

Jim Crampton's impulse buy. A July'63 MkI Imp with all original parts, just needing restoration. Previously owned by Jeff Smith.

Gordon Day's Stiletto, newly restored and very shiny.

Return of Gooseberry - Andy Jones debuts the re-built Imp at Silverstone.

John Orson's Clan at the Oulton Park Gold Cup 2007

Alan Kitson negociating some tight corners at 3 Sisters. Practice makes perfect, Alan!

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Web site developed and maintained by R.J. Allan
"Hand Knitted Software" 2004-24

Comments on and contributions to the Web site should be send to Bob Allan.