

P.A. Norman (unknown)

P.A. Norman and Sons, West of England Pianoforte Saloons, 16 Albert Road, Morice Town, Devonport, Plymouth.

A reed organ by Normans was for sale on e-Bay, Oct'2005. It has a somewhat ``primitive'' case style, with some similarity to styling on Stevens instruments. Their pianos were also said to be rather poor quality.

Note: Charles Hocking was also a retailer in Devonport.


Oetzmann and Co. (c.1860-1914)

Thomas Oetzmann of 27 Baker Street, London also made harmoniums, so information about the firm is provided in a previous Chapter 23.27.

See Thomas Oetzmann & Co.'s Illustrated Catalogue of Pianofortes, American Organs, Harmoniums, etc. (1876) if you can find a copy.

Ian Thompson sent me the following specification of a typical Oetzmann suction instrument which he had seen in a church in Cornwell, NW Oxfordshire in 1977. Stops: Bass Coupler, Sub Bass 16, Dulcet 8, Diapason Bass 8, Vox Humana, Diapason Treble 8, Dulciana 8, Celeste 8, Oboe 8, Treble Coupler.

Orchestrelle Co. (1899-1930)

The Orchestrelle Co. was formed in Sept'1899 from the original firm of Geo. Whight and Co. Aeolian was an American company based in New York, but also had registered premises in London. The Orchestrelle Co., originally at 225 Regent Street, London moved to Aeolian Hall, 135-7 New Bond Street when they merged. In 1911 they had a factory in Hayes, Middlesex. More information is given in Chapter 29.16.

Aeolian was a large company who had absorbed several other producers. They produced the largest and the best self playing reed organs of their kind with many unique functions and often pipes too. An example was the Aeolian Orchestrelle. They also made Gregorian organs (Vocalions) and were associated with the Mechanical Orguinette Co.

A 1 manual Gregorian appeared for sale on the Web site of Cambridge Reed Organs in Jan'2004. Its specification is with C compass, 6 ranks bass, 5 ranks treble as follows: Octave Coupler, Subbass 16', Eolian Forte, Eolian Harp 2', Principal 4', Bourdon Bass 16', Open Diapason 8', Stopped Diapason 8', Melodia 8', Open Diapason 8', Bourdon Treble 16', Violina 4', Trumpet 8', Bourdon Forte, Vox Humana, Forte.

A 2MP Gregorian was in the Fluke collection in 2007. It was noted as a Style 75 no.5167 and built in 1908. Its walnut case measured 86-1/2'' x57'' x121'' and it had a pipe top. The two manuals were typically of 58 notes each with a 30 note flat pedalboard. The stops were: Principal 4', Aeoline 8', Violin Diapason 8', Stopp'd Diapason 16', Open Dble Diapason 16', Double Dolce 16', Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal, Open Diapason 8', Trumpet 8', Dulciana 8', Harmonic Flute 4', Melodia 8', Swell to Great, Tremulant, Swell to Great Octave, Bellows Signal.

The instrument was tuned to A438 and supplied with wind from an electric blower at 2-1/4'' WG

Pasquale and Co. (1903-21)

Piano and reed organ maker of 9 Phoenix Place, Mount Pleasant, London c.1914-15. They are noted as making automatic pianos at that time.

W.T. Payne (1896-1921)

William Thomas Payne was a piano, harmonium and American organ manufacturer of 101-3 Approach Road, London NE and later 208 Hoe Street, Walthamstow from c.1860. In 1899 he was listed at 4 The Parade, Churchfield Road West, Acton. Later at 173-5 Stockwell Road (c.1904), and 180 Bethnal Green Road (1914-15). By 1921 the firm were only making pianos.

Note: this is not the same company as T.G. (or T&G) Payne who were piano makers at Fortress Road, London NW c.1892-1915.

T. Pear (unknown)

Only one organ by Thomas Pear is known, but it was a 2MP reed organ sold by Hickie and Hickie of Reading. Pear worked at Carlton Street, Cheltenham. Thomas Pear was an organ builder born in 1812 and also listed as a carpenter or master carpenter.

Rowland Lee had one briefly and told me the following story: Before moving to Lincolnshire from Surrey in 1984, I acquired, gratis, two very damaged organs from a dealer who was about to burn them. One was a small Alexandre and the other was by T. Pear. Until I discovered your Web site I was unable to discover any other reference to this maker. On arrival here these instruments and some others including a Broadwood piano of 1827 were stored in the stable block. Unfortunately, during the terrible storms of 1987, the upper floor of this building collapsed in on itself, crushing most of the contents beyond redemption and, months later, when the insurance company and local authorities granted access to the unsafe building, water and mould had reduced what was left to a sorry mess. I could not even salvage the nameplate of the Pear organ, which I had unfortunately not photographed. I recall that the Pear organ was very simply and cheaply constructed, one manual, with simple ``veneered plank'' ends screwed directly onto the front and back boards, and a simple interior with 2-1/2 rows of reeds. Somewhat at odds with this was the name, which was inlaid in blonde wood on a black background and was decorated with a small (1-1/2'' diameter) very Edwardian looking marquetry roundel of (I believe) a conch shell. I always felt that Mr. Pear was probably a dealer who had bought the interior of the organ from a supply house and had cased it himself. I very much regret its destruction.

Pioneer Organ Co. (before 1906)

Of High Street, Crewe. No further information available.

G. Porter and Co. (1896-1900)

Graham Porter was an American organ and harmonium manufacturer of 165 High Road, Lee, London SE.

F. Powell (1880-1906-)

Francis Powell was a piano, American organ and harmonium maufacturer of 47-8 George Street, Euston Square, London NW. He moved after 1906 to 48 George Street.

J.W. Punter and Co. (1883-1935)


John William Punter and Co. also traded as The Bristol Organ Co. and were manufacturers of American organs and the ``Bristol Organ''. Stadon and Punter, musical instrument dealers, are also recorded at the same address. Phil Fluke's brochure has the address given as J.W. Punter and Co. American and Bristol Organ Manufacturers, 2 Old Market Street, Bristol, England. Punters also had a factory at 120 High Street, Staple Hill, Bristol.

There exist historic photographs of Bristol city centre showing the premises of Stadon and Punter in Market Street. The precise date is not known, but it appears to have been a time of national celebrations.


They were advertising in 1887 as follows.

 PUNTER'S - Bristol ORGANS for Cottage, Church, Mansion, £5 to
 £100; Stops, two Knee swells, £14 Me; 6a monthly...

 STADON & PUNTER for PIANOFORTES. - Cheapest Manufacturers in the
 West of England - Old Market Street.

As announced in the London Gazette of 15/5/1896, the partnership was dissolved as follows Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned Alfred Stadon and John William Punter carrying on business as Musical Instrument Makers at 2 Old Market-Street in the city and county of Bristol and 1 Broad-Street Staple-Hill in the county of Gloucester under the style or firm of Stadon and Punter was dissolved as and from the 11th day of May 1896 by mutual consent. - Dated the 11th day of May 1896. Alfred Stadon and John William Punter.

In Aug'1905: J.W. Punter & Co. iron frame pianoforte and organ manufacturers. All instruments warranted for 10 years. Grand Tone Organ from 1/6d per week.

They at one time they claimed to be the largest manufacturers in the West of England - which was probably not too hard as most were in London.

The different small models offered by Punters included:

cheapest, ranging from no stops to 7 stops and costing from 9gns. to 11gns. One rank of 8' reeds augmented with either and additional 4' bass or 8' treble
up to 9 stops costing 15 gns. 1-1/2 sets of 8' reeds.
12 stops with 2 ranks of reeds, 8' and 4' and costing 18 gns.
this model had the best case, with an ornamental pipe front and decorated with gold leaf. It had 14 stops: Diapason, Melodia, Fulte, Principal, Clarionet, Vox Celetse, Vox Humana, Dulciana, Echo, Sub Bass, Treble Coupler, Bass Coupler, Principal Treble, Principal Bass. This had 2 full sets of reeds with an additional treble seta and a 1 octave Sub Bass.

It is believed that A. Stadon was born c.1842 in Bath. In the 1881 census he is recorded as a harmonium finisher and married (c.1869?). He was then living as the head of his family at 113 Barrow Lane East, Bristol and may have died in Cardiff c.1914. J.W. Punter may have been somewhat younger and born in Malmesbury, Wiltshire or Easington, Gloucestershire in 1860.

I was contacted in Oct'2017 by Ian Maule, who was doing research into his family history. This is what he told me: John William Punter was born in 1860. His parents were William Punter, a coal miner, and Mary Taylor. Mary happens to be my 2nd cousin 3rd removed. The 1881 census for Mangotsfield has the Punter family living at Mangotsfield Common. John Punter is shown as a pianoforte tuner. John is noted as being born in Mangotsfield, but an earlier census of 1861 states Pucklechurch, Glos.

It is thought that the Punters lived for a long time at Hill House, Hill House Road, Staple Hill (entry in Kelly's Directory, 1935).

1M e-Bay *8733

This one with the Stadon-Punter label was advertised for sale in King's Hill Nov'2016.


ROS DB entry 736 - 2M

This is a 2 manual American organ with key range FFF-f'' with foot treadles, knee swells but no pedals.

Swell:                          Great:
Gamba                           Bass Coupler
Dulcet                          Diapason
Manual Coupler                  Piano

Principal Treble                Coupler
Gamba                           Piano
Principal                       Principal

This stop list looks rather strange (maybe because there are three stops on the right and left cheek of each manual?).

Ian Thompson's Stadon and Punter harmonium

Ian said: The second two [photos] are of a Stadon and Punter (Bristol) with 8' and 4' split bass and treble at B/c in front, and at the back a 20 note set in the bass, the seven notes f-b being at 8' and the rest (c-c) at 16' pitch and then a tenor-treble set of 41 8' reeds, c#-f, and of course (!) bass and treble couplers. The reeds are about 0.087" thick, with a very slight rounding-off of the top edges, and therefore hard to replace, since most standard scale RO reeds are either 0.09" or 0.10'' thick - except for Estey and M&H at 0.095". These reeds are very loud and slightly coarse in tone and somehow don't seem to be American or Canadian. Wonder whether they're of British or German make? Next time I look at an Imperial I'll check whether they use similar reeds. Many stop faces are un-original, so a stop list won't help.

Bristol Museum

The only other [Stadon and] Punters I've seen are in Bristol Museum.

E.A. Ramsden (1860-94)

The story of Archibald Ramsden of Leeds and his involvement in harmonium development (several patents) and manufacture is covered in Chapter 23. We recently found an advertisement for a suction instrument said to be by Ramsden and sold via Ryalls and Jones Ltd. of Birkenhead.


J.W. Reed (c.1877-99)

See Chapter 14.

J. Reyner (1879-81)

Joseph Reyner of 21 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds (now a main road in Leeds city centre) was an American organ maker.

Joseph and Henry Riley (1851-c.1922)

riley_name2.jpg riley_name3.jpg

The firm was founded by Joseph Riley in 1851 later becoming Henry Riley and Sons. They were listed as manufacturers, importers and dealers and also had premises at 25 Constitution Hill, Hockley, Birmingham and 30 Corporation Street up to around 1906. More information is given in Chapter 23.44.

There are a number of instruments still existing with the Riley label. In addition to harmoniums listed separately there are the following suction organs.

Folding Organ

This instrument appeared on e-Bay *9200 in Dec'2011 and was located in Kent. It carries the name of Joseph Riley and Sons and serial number 22282 and measures 31'' x34'' x13''.


W.T. Roberts and Son (1890-98)

Information was sent to me by Philip Davey in Nov'2012 about a very un-usual 3MP organ which carries the label of W.T. Roberts & Son, Luton. We believe it was in a private residence in Truro.

DBOB ref.3105 notes that W.T. Roberts was a reed organ builder located at 44 Church Street, Luton. Nothing more is known about this firm, except that they may possibly have later been musical instrument dealers and sold gramophones. Some pianolas exist with the W.T. Roberts label. Please can anyone help?

However there may be no connection with the later firm operating from 34 Castle Steet selling gramophones and records under their own label advertising Gramophones, Records, Radio and Everything Musical - every Instrument Sold by W.T. Roberts & Son is thoroughly tested. This was Harold William Roberts who leased the premises for 14 years from 25/3/1956. The company was incorporated 2/5/1957. Stanley Crawley Roberts was a partner but was killed when kockned down by a motor-car 12/1/1939. We do not know if they were descended from the original W.T. Roberts.

So it is therefore not known who built this very interesting instrument. Based on similarities in the casework and general style, it could be by the Thomas Organ Co. of Canada 26.11 as it is known some of their larger instruments were sold in the UK, e.g. by Riley. Rodney Jantzi has send me more information which may eventually help with the identification.

The specification is as follows (stop names are hard to read from the photos).

3x 61 note manuals CC-c'''
30 pedal board, flat radiating inwards

Swell Organ:           Pedal Organ:
Tremulant              ???
Vox Humana 16'         ???
Oboe 8'                ???
Voix Celeste 8'        ???
Stop Diapason 16'      ???
Bassoon 16'
Clarion 8'             Great Organ:
Piccolo 4'             Choir Super Octave (?)
                       Great Super Octave
Couplers:              Dolce 16' (?)
Great to Pedals        Diapason 8'
Swell to Pedals        ???
Swell to Great         Double Diapason 16'
                       Dulciana (?)
Choir Organ:           ???
Clarionet 16' (?)      ???
Dulciana 8'
Flute 4'

other devices not visible in photo


The instrument was advertised on the MarketplaceLive Web site (ad removed) which stated that its dimensions were 4'5''W x3'D x4'11''H.

There was also Alfred G. Roberts at Laxon Street, Long Lane, Bermondsey, London active during 1848-78.

Rushworth and Dreaper (1910-39)

See Chapter 21.

J. and W. Sames (1855-1914)

See Chapter 15.

J.W. Sawyer (1885-1952)

See Chapter 16.

The Scholey Organ Co. (unknown)

Dan Modderman spotted an advert on FaceBook in Jan'2022. It was for a reed organ with 11 stops and carved mahogany case. It carries the labels ``The Scholey Organ Co., London, Manchester, Glasgow'' and looks quite late in date. Stop knobs are straight rather than having angled faces.

[photo fb.340956454519337]

J. Scott (1882-1921)

Scott started making American organs around 1882 but later became a piano dealer. Scott had premises at 90 Blatchington Road, Brighton then at 143-5 Church Road and 10-11 George Street.

The firm was known as Scott and Co. for part of its period and had connections to Colclough.

Ed. Senior and Sons (unknown)


Edward Senior and Sons of Saltcoats, Ayr, Scotland. This was a previously unknown manufacturer. In Dec'1890 they were having their annual sale of pianos, organs and harmoniums, and that was from 247 High Street, Ayr. Their Cremona pianos were said to be secially fabricated for damp conditions. In 1892 they also listed premises on Kyle Street. In 1908 it was a piano warehouse at 141-143 High Street and house at Bellevue House, 3 Marchmont Terrace (?).

A small instrument, with numbers 1252 and 0405 stamped on the reverse, appeared on e-Bay in Dec'2006. I asked the seller more about it. It is in working order and measures 4'2'' x3'2'' x1'3''. Senior's name is written on both the left and right hand side of the organ. In the middle of the organ above the keys were two words which are now hard to make out. We think the first word is about 10 letters long. The first 2 can't be made out and then it ends in ``NASLEIGH'' and the second word is around 5 letters long but can't be made out. This could be ``Endsleigh Organ'' which would suggest that it was actually made by Humphreys. Any further information is of course welcome.


C.I. Smart (1877-91)

This is Charles Isaac Smart. See Avill and Smart, Chapter 24.5 and also Grover, Chapter 22.75.

R. Smith (c.1850-1907)

Robert Smith was an American organ maker who traded as Smith and Co. later in 1900. He was based at 107 Tottenham Road, Balls Pond Road, London N from 1884.

W.F. Smith and Co. (1890-6)

American organ and Harmonium manufacturer of 168 St. John's Street, Clerkenwell, London EC.

E. & W. Snell (1864-1907)

See Chapter 17

Harry Snell (1891-1901)

To complete the story, there was also Harry Todd Snell (b.1853) of 79 Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town (1891) and later 97 Duncombe Road, Upper Holloway (1895-1900). He was a piano and harmonium maker at the Albert Piano works 7A Andrews Road, Mare Street, Hackney (190-61). Other addresses are: 53 Andrews Road, Hackney, N.E. (1914-15); and 1a Prince George Road, Stoke Newington, N. (*1916-19).

Harry Snell has no apparent connection to the other Snell family as he is not entered in the census records of either 1871 or 1881. One could speculate that he is the son of Alice and Robert Snell Jnr. but this is unlikely as Alice would have been only 14 in 1853. He could therefore be another brother of Edward and William Snell who had left home.

The 1891 census notes him as organ builder (employer) married to Sal (b.1864). Lodging with them was Thomas Alfred Jefferson, organ builder (employed). There is a possible family connection to A.E. Snell.

The Spencers (1855-c.1963)

See Chapter 18.2.

R. Stather (1870-1908)

See Chapter 19.

F.C. Stevens (1900-12)


The database of British organ builders lists one F.C. Stevens of 7 Green Street, Cambridge Heath (?) as a reed organ builder from 1900-12 and R.F. Stevens as an organ builder who retired in 1910 - as far as we know they were not related. For information on instruments by R.F. Stevens see Chapter 20.

It is certain that F.C. Stevens did make some portable reed organs. It appears that these were rather simple, but with a high standard of casework. This one, which had been in a loft on Canvey Island for some 40 years, was for sale as e-Bay item *2774 in Feb'2010.


R.F. Stevens (1853-1978)

See Chapter 20.

Story and Clark (1892-)

Story & Clark had been making pianos and reed organs in USA since 1857. They established a factory in London in 1892 and also one in Berlin. The London factory was managed by one Charles H. Wagener. It was in partership with F. Kaim & Sohn Piano & Organ Company, Ltd. and known as the Story & Clark Piano Company.

J. Strong and Sons (1889-1949)

John Strong and Sons patent Insect Proof Organ ``London - The export model'', 50 Seymour St., Euston Sqare, London. Later at 60-64 Seymour Street (1882-1903, at which time listed as a dealer) and 118 Euston Road (1907-15). According to Bill Kibby, the original firm was established in 1851, probably by David Strong, then John followed. Around 1889, it became John Strong and Sons, and after the 1914 war, they disappeared, but may have become Strong and Jackson.

Thompson and Govan (unknown)

A Glasgow manufacturer of afforable free reed instruments, maybe?

A. Wagstaff (1886-1936)

See Chapter 18.4.

H. Wellstead (c.1887-1912)

Wellstead was an organ and harmonium manufacturer of Corn Market and 7 West Street, Wimbourne, Dorset. He was declared bankrupt in 1886 but, as often in those days, paid his debts and carried on the business.

A portable instrument appeared on e-Bay *5073 in Oct'2010. It is said to be manufactured in 1908 by H. Wellstead of Wimbourne and measures 32" x14" x31".


This looks like a smaller version of the instrument illustrated by Barnes.

F. Whitefield (c.1888)

Frank Whitefield was a manufacturer of small portable reed organs in Brighton, Sussex.

W. Whitelock (c.1851-85)

Originally John Whitelock, from 1851 he traded as J. Whitelock and Son at Old Row, Armley c.1845, and then the firm was known as W. Whitelock from 1857. William Whitelock was a piano, harmonium, American organ and pipe organ builder, listed at Old Row (1857-67) and later Ridge View (1879-82), Armley. The addresses are close to the location of the Sawyer factory. John Whitelock in Armley is listed in the 1839 Commercial Directory for Leeds and William at no.11 in 1853. NPOR lists John Whitelock (1834), Whitelock and Son (1851), W. Whitelock (1857-67), J.L. Whitelock( separate firm? 1857-63).

John Lupton Whitelock (b.1834-d.29/6/1896) was noted in NPOR as an organ builder at similar addresses of Ridge Lane (1857) and later Hilltop (1863) (neither address now exists). In addition to being an organ builder J.L. is listed on geneology sites as being an inn keeper and pub owner. He founded Whitelocks which, starting as the Turk's Head in 1715, is now the oldest pub in Leeds see J.L., simply known as Lupton, was a flautist with the Hallé and Leeds symphony orchestras and was granted the license in 1886. There is no evidence except for NPOR that he was ever an organ builder.

The name is further confusing, because later there was Whitelock and Son in 1911 and 1928, they were just listed as W.R. Whitelock in 1899 and 1914. We assume this is the same firm. W.M.R. Whitelock is also noted as piano makers or dealers (1893-1909) at 58 Boar Lane, Leeds.

The Whitelocks seem to have become a limited company around the twenties and disappeared after WWII. Their paperwork doesn't describe them as makers so they may have added their name to instruments source from other makers.

Wholesale Piano and Organ Mfg. Co. (c.1900-6)

This company had premises at Phoenix Works, Boleyn Road, Dalston Junction, London. Also moved to 2A Wiesbaden Road, Stoke Newington, London. There is some possible relationship to Ingleton and Co.

Whomes Ltd. (1871-1960)

Edmund Whomes produced instruments to accompany silent films, see Chapter 27.6.

G. Williams (c.1897-1900)

Williams was a reed organ builder of 255 Caledonian Road, London with a factory at Milton Yard, Cloudesley Place, London, and 123 Parchmore Road, Thornton Heath.

H. Williams (c.1893-1904)

Herbert Williams of Rheidol Mews, Rheidol Terrace, Islington manufactured American organs at 37 Shepperton Street, New North Road, London NW.

Thomas Woolley (c.1844-1914)

Two small reed organs are listed in the HVN database nos.377 and 397. They are said to be made by Woolley in Nottingham.

There is very little information about Woolley, but old advertisements and catalogues suggest the following.

1844 - opened a warehouse at Upper Market Place, Nottingham
1846 - patented a pianoforte mounted on a platform
1849 - exhibited at the Birmingham Exposition
1851 - exhibited two piccolo upright pianos at the Great Exhibition plus ``equilibrium'' climatised uprights and grands
1854 - moved from Market Place to 2 Park Row, Market Place, Nottingham
1856 - moved to Lister Gate, Nottingham. Pianos were manufactured at 28 Bloomsbury Street, London.
1857 - supplied a grand platform pianoforte for Chesterfield market hall for 150 guineas
1865 - exhibited at the Art and Industrial Exhibition, Nottingham.
1890-1914 - 3-5 Park Row

Known as Woolley & Co. from c.1906.

Other branches at various times were: 44 St Peters Street, Derby; 14 Newman Street, London; 76 Osmaston Street, Derby; Leicester. Contemporary adverts suggest a large and diverse number of pianos for sale or hire from Wheeler Gate, Nottingham (1840); Full Street, Derby. Pianoforte and vocal tuition also offered.

A. Zawadski and Co. (c.1875-8)

Alfred Zawadski was an organ builder of 32A Wrotham Road, London c.1875

London Gazette 11/1/1878: A First and Final Dividend of 3d in the pound has been declared in the matter of Alfred Zawadski, of 52A Essex Road, Islington, and 29 Camden Road, Camden Town, in the county of Middlesex. American Organ Manufacturer, trading under the style or firm of A. Zawadski and Co. adjudicated bankrupt on the 10th day of September, 1875, and will be paid by me, at the offices of James and warts, no.110 Cannon Street, in the city of London, on and after the 14th day of January, 1878. Dated this 8th day of January, 1878. A.A. James, Trustee.

Unknown 2MP/10

This organ was for sale c. 1974. It was claimed to have 579 reeds (10 ranks) and individual ``Flugh'' voicing. It was from Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, London SW15

Swell:                 Great:
Bourdon 16'            Trombone 16'
Melodia 8'             Diapason 8'
Saliante 8'            Dulciana 8'
Vox Humana             Principal 4'
Forte                  Forte
Flute 4'
Aeolian Harp 8'

Couplers:              Pedal:
Bass Coupler           Sub Bass 16'
Treble Coupler         Great to Pedal
Swell to Great

Of course this list could just be mixed up and its another University Organ?

Rob Allan