Reed Organs in England
A comprehensive study of reed organs
in England, Scotland and Wales.
Organisation of the Site
Familiar Makers
Updates in this Edition
Comments received
The Seraphine
The Harmonium
The Reed Organ
Some British, French and US Patents
Sources of Information
Specialists in England (and nearby)
Where to see and hear Reed Organs in the UK
T.C. Bates (c.1812-64)
J. Bell (1847-98)
J. Bisson (c.1840-2)
J.C. Blackwell (c.1852-62)
J. Braby (c.1831)
D. Campbell (c.1830-42)
George Case (c.1850)
Clementi and Co. (1798-1832)
Collard and Collard (c.1833-51)
F. Day, and Day and Myers (1816-45)
T. Dowler (1829-32)
A. Ellard & Son (c.1831-6)
W.E. Evans (c.1839-84)
M. Faraday (c.1828)
A. Findlay (1856-1906)
J. Green (b.1821-d.1849)
J.H.A. Gunther, and Gunther and Horwood (c.1819-78)
J. Hart (1838-58)
W. Hattersley and Co. (1845-57)
F.W. Isaac (1833-1845)
Kirkman and White (c.1822-46)
Geo. Metzler and Co. (1839-1885)
I.H.R. Mott (c.1820-68)
A. Münch (1829-30)
Myers and Storer (c.1837-51)
J.-H. Pape (c.1851-6)
G. Peachey (c.1828-84)
B. Pexton (1838-50)
J.D. Proudman (unknown)
Wm. Rolfe (1784-1899)
J.C. Schwieso and Co. (c.1839)
R. Snell (1825-1860)
Wm. Sprague (1837-83)
J. Storer (c.1839-51)
W.H. Tidder (c.1871-1914)
John Ward (c.1835)
C. Wheatstone and Co. (c.1823-51)
Thomas White (1832-36)
J. Willis (c.1836)
The New English Harmonium
Boosey and Sons, and Boosey and Ching (c.1859-90)
W.E. Evans (c.1839-84)
Charles Kelly and Co. (c.1851-1906)
C. Laurent (1859-86)
S.F. Pichler (1851-63)
H.T. Wedlake (1859-1902)
G.L. Bauer and Co. (1865-97)
J.B. Cramer and Co. Ltd. (1861-1889)
The Vocalion
A. Cavaillé-Coll (c.1855)
J.B. Baillie Hamilton (c.1872-c.1921)
J. Farmer (c.1872-5)
H. Smith (c.1872-1910)
E.A. Ramsden (1860-94)
H.T. Wedlake (1859-1902)
Whyte (unknown)
William Hill and Son (c.1875-1886)
Register of known Vocalion organs by Hill.
W.P. Hattersley and Co. (1856-83)
J. Hillier (1855-1909)
Pressure organs (and harmoniums)
Suction organs
John Holt (1876-1946)
Register of known organs by Holt.
Styles and Specifications of Holt Organs
An Analysis of Stops in Holt Organs
Humphreys (c.1867-1935)
Instruments by J. Humphreys
Instruments by A.&E. Humphreys
Register of known reed organs by Humphreys.
Imperial Organ and Piano Co. (1902-1965)
Folding Organs
Register of known reed organs by Imperial.
Styles and Specifications of Imperial Organs
J. Malcolm and Co. (1891-1924)
John Malcolm - John Who?
J.W. Reed (c.1877-99)
Pressure Organs (and harmoniums)
Suction Organs
J. and W. Sames (1855-1949)
Pressure Organs (and Harmoniums)
Suction Organs
J.W. Sawyer (1885-1952)
Register of known organs by Sawyer.
Styles and Specifications of Sawyer Organs
An Analysis of Stops in Sawyer Organs
E. & W. Snell (1864-1907)
The University Organ
Crane and Sons (c.1899-1969)
The Spencers (1855-c.1963)
Spence and Co.
A. Wagstaff (1886-1936)
Register of known organs by Spencer.
R. Stather (1870-1908)
R.F. Stevens (1853-1978)
1M Reed Organs
Instruments for Silent Films
Larger Instruments
Folding Organs
Register of the larger known organs by Stevens.
Styles and Specifications of Stevens Organs
The Apollo Organ - Rushworth and Dreaper (1910-39)
Register of known Apollo organs by Rushworth and Dreaper.
J. Wallis and Son (1848-1928)
W. Adams (1851-93)
A. Adamson (c.1892)
W.J. Allen (c.1891-6)
A. Allison and Co. (c.1872-1929)
T. D'Almaine and Co. (c.1850-67)
C.R. Bailey (1882-98)
G.L. Bauer and Co. (1865-97)
J. Baynton and Co. (c.1878-96)
T. Beasant (c.1865-90)
D. Bedford (c.1878-87)
J. Bedford (c.1878-92)
Bedwell and Sons (1890-1946)
J. Bell (1847-1898)
J. Bentley (dates unknown)
S. Benton (c.1879-92)
A. Blaker (c.1900-21)
H.A. Blount (c.1878-9)
A. Bock (c.1905-7)
Boosey and Sons, and Boosey and Ching (c.1859-90)
F. Brooks and Co. (1884-86)
Brown and Sons (c.1878)
C. Cadby (c.1839-85)
G. Camp (c.1865-87)
H. Carloss and Co. (c.1886-1903)
Carr (unknown)
H.T. Cassini (1864-84)
G. Challenger and Co. (c.1892-1900)
C. Chartier (1878-84)
Chiappa and Fersani (c.1880)
W. and J. Chilvers (1868-82)
W. Clark (1871-87)
Clarke and Sons (c.1872-95)
P.A. Claude (c.1875)
Cobden Pianoforte Co. (c.1882-93)
A.W. Coleman (1855-72)
C.A. Coleman (c.1883)
W. Collinson (c.1883)
R. Cook and Co. (c.1883)
I. Cool and Sons (c.1878-87)
J. Cooper and Co. (1855-1906)
Wm. R. Crabb (c.1887-86)
J.B. Cramer and Co. Ltd. (1861-1921)
Craven and Co. (unknown)
T. and R. Croger (c.1842-1910)
C.F. Cullum and Co. (1859-96)
C. Curtis (c.1879-96)
D. Dale (c.1850-72)
J. Spencer Dane (c.1855-85)
E. Daniels (1879-82)
Wm. Dawes (1864-1884)
Debain and Co. (c.1882)
Derbayne and Co. (c.1883)
Dicks and Co. (1878-80)
Wm. Dodson (c.1877-83)
W.H. Duffield (1881-c.1920)
Charles Duffill (c.1876)
A. Eason (c.1871-97)
J.H. Ebblewhite (c.1883)
E. Enderby and Son (1867-1909)
W.E. Evans (c.1839-84)
S. Farmer (unknown)
J. Farmer (1857-61)
C.E. Fenton (c.1878-84)
J. Fidler (c.1864-9)
H. and R. Geake (1878-85)
J. Gilmour and Son (c.1864-67)
Goodburn and Rooke (c.1881)
W. Graham and Sons (c.1882-1910)
D.C. Green (c.1900-9)
H. Green (c.1891)
Green (c.1880)
J. Gregory (1878-96)
E.C. Griffin (1885-92)
T. Grimes and Co. (1878-85)
J. Grover (1830 (43?)-1904)
Grover and Wood (1885-95)
H.C. Gouverneur (c.1875)
C. Hardy (1845-1906)
A.J. Harland (1879-c.1926)
W.P. Hattersley and Co. (1856-83)
S. Hay (c.1877-1920)
R. and E. Heath (1880-1906)
T. Higham (1878-83)
J. Hillier(1855-1906)
Holdernesse and Holdernesse (1851-1906)
W. Hopley (c.1879-1906)
J. Hoyland (1878-1906)
J. Humphreys (1867-1935)
H.A. Ivory and Co. (1868-80)
JAS, London (1985-current)
Jeffreys and Wiltshire (unknown)
F. Jones (1881-1900)
Geo. Jones and Sons (1850-1909)
Jones and Co. (1858-1898)
Charles Kelly and Co. (c.1855-1906)
W.B. Kent (c.1883)
J. Knight (-1878)
W.H. Knight (c.1887-1908)
J.C. Knott (1879-1906)
C. Laurent (1859-86)
C. Layland (1868-96)
Julius Layland & Co. (c.1870)
T. Liddiatt (1874-89), H. Liddiatt (1889-1940)
Locke and Son (1878-89)
W.V. Luck and Co. (1879-87)
G. Luff and Son (1846-62)
G.H. Marsh (c.1890-2)
Matthews and Scott (-1869)
T.H. Meek (c.1881)
E.L. Merick (1879-82)
F. Mesnage (1887-1891)
Moore and Moore (1878-1921)
W.H. Moore (c.1878)
J. Morandi (1879-83)
A. Morton and Co. (c.1896)
G. Moutrie and Collard and Moutrie (c.1856-90)
J. Moutrie (1878-94)
W.S. Murdoch (-1880)
J. Nelson (1866-1903)
Dunn and Nicholls, and Nicholls and Nicholls (1872-96)
Oetzmann and Co. (1848-c.1880)
Patriot Excelsior (1880-5)
H.A. Pearson (unknown)
J. Pell and Co. (c.1876-8)
Penrose (unknown)
V. Penso (1897-1902)
J.A. Peterkin (1879-80)
S.F. Pichler (1851-63)
J. Pickens and Co. (1879-84)
H. Powell (1878-1906)
B. Preston (1838-50)
W. Pridham and Son (c.1896)
H.J. Prosser (1883-1915)
E.A. Ramsden (1860-94)
Read (c.1866)
J.W. Reed (c.1895)
G. Richardson (c.1858)
Joseph and Henry Riley (1851-c.1922)
W.J. Robertson (1847-83)
S. Rolfe (c.1870)
A. Rudd and Co. (1837-1906)
B. Samuel and Son (1832-1921
J.F. Scholefield (1886-8)
Scott Brothers and Co., Scott & White (-1871)
Sewell and Sewell (c.1896-1906)
Seymour and Co. (c.1893)
J. and E. Shaw (c.1856)
E. Shipman (1877-96)
J. Simpson (1879-90)
H.C. Sims (1866-1906)
E. Slack (c. 1883)
R. Slater and Son (1881-1952)
A. Smith (c.1889-90)
H. Smith (c.1867-84)
H.H. Smith (c.1872)
W. Smith (c.1858)
Smith and Smith (c.1880)
Smith and Whincup (c.1882)
E. & W. Snell (1864-1907)
R. Stather (1870-1908)
R.F. Stevens (1853-1978)
H. Storey and Sons. (c.1878-96)
J. Strohmenger and Sons (1878-1915)
W. Temlett (c.1878-87)
W.H. Tidder (c.1895-1914)
Totterdell and Price (c.1887)
W. Travis (c.1879-85)
E. Trost (c.1863)
W.B. Tucker (c.1900-14)
L. Valentine (1859-90)
C. Venables and Co. (c.1869-)
C. Virot (c.1865-83)
Waddington and Sons (1838-1918 on)
J. Wallis and Son (1848-1930)
Henry Ward (c.1849-1909)
H.T. Wedlake (1859-1902)
G. Wells (c.1895)
C. Wheatstone and Co. (c.1823-51)
H. Whitehead (1847-61)
G. Williams (c.1897-1900)
T.R. Willis (1861-1890)
Charles Wood (1877-90)
British Aeolus (c.1886)
A. Allison and Co. (c.1840-1921)
T. d'Almaine and Co. (1875-1931)
Apollo Co. Ltd. (c.1906)
Avill and Smart (1865-97)
W.T. Baldwin (1887-c.1914)
W.H. Barnes (1891-1906)
G.L. Bauer and Co. (1865-96)
F. Bedford (c.1900)
Bedwell and Sons (1890-1946)
Bell Organ and Piano Co. (1883-1909)
R. Birch and Son (Organs) Ltd. (c.1953-8)
Bliss American Organ Co. (c.1887-90)
O. Böhmer (c.1884-6)
W. Bogg and Sons (1878-96)
H. Bork (c.1900-2)
Boyd Ltd. (c.1875-1929)
H.F. and B.A. Brasted (1870-1928)
Breavington and Sons (c.1872)
J. Bridges (c.1878-1901)
G.B. Briffett (1883-1900)
J.W. Butcher (c.1911-1926)
J.J. Carroll (1880-84)
F.C. Carter (1871-91)
Alphonse Cary (c.1883-1922)
G. Castle (1886-1900)
Chancel Reed Organ and Pipe Organ Works (unknown)
R.J. Charlick (c.1892-1900)
Clark and Sons (unknown)
W.W. Clarry (c.1875-1949)
R. Cocks and Co. (c.1877-9)
Colclough and Scott (c.1887-9)
Collins Organ and Piano Co. (1882-1902)
A.J. Cox (1885-1941)
J.B. Cramer and Co. Ltd. (1861-1921)
Crane and Sons (c.1899-1969)
F. Crawford (1900-21)
Cresswell and Ball (c.1885)
Crichton (unknown-1904)
H. Dawkins and Co. (c.1900-30)
A.R. Downs and Co. (1889-1906)
H. Farrant (1878-96)
R.S. Gildersleeve (1875-1925)
Gloucester Organ
Graham Organ Co. (unknown)
W. Graham (c.1900)
H. Gratian (1870-1900)
H. Graves (c.1883-90)
Green and Savage (c.1878-1921)
Greenwood (unknown)
Arthur Grimes (1878-91)
C.E. Hale (c.1903)
C.G. Hambleton (unknown)
W. Hancock and Sons (unknown)
J.W. Hargrave (c.1921)
W. Hargreaves (1879-97)
R. Harkness (c.1915)
Heard and Sons (1894-1935)
H. Hicks (c.1912)
Higham and Curran (c.1895-8)
William Hill and Son (c.1875-1886)
Hilliards (c.1874)
J. Hillier (1855-1909)
John Holt (1876-1946)
Samual Howard (c.1895-1927)
J. Humphreys (c.1867-1935)
Imperial Piano and Organ Co. (1902-65)
Jacot Reed Organ Co. (1970-78)
W. James Ltd. (1876-85)
Jarrett and Goudge (1878-85)
Jenkinson and Co. (c.1880-1904)
Jones and Co. (1858-1898)
Jones and Son (unknown)
Kilwards (unknown)
Charles Kelly and Co. (c.1855-1906)
P. Latham (c.1908-36)
F. Laurence and Co. (c.1892-4)
W.H. Lumley (1892-6)
J. Malcolm and Co. (1891-1924)
E. Malkin (c.1929-54)
J.H. Marshall (c.1900-06)
J.W. Maudson
The Melody Organ Co. Ltd. (1901-27)
F. Mesnage (1887-91)
Mickleburgh (1870-)
J.E. Minns (c.1879-1901)
Moore and Moore (1878-1921)
A. Morton and Co. (c.1896)
P.A. Norman (unknown)
Oetzmann and Co. (c.1860-1914)
Orchestrelle Co. (1899-1930)
Pasquale and Co. (1903-21)
W.T. Payne (1896-1921)
T. Pear (unknown)
Pioneer Organ Co. (before 1906)
G. Porter and Co. (1896-1900)
F. Powell (1880-1906-)
J.W. Punter and Co. (1883-1935)
E.A. Ramsden (1860-94)
J.W. Reed (c.1877-99)
J. Reyner (1879-81)
Joseph and Henry Riley (1851-c.1922)
W.T. Roberts and Son (1890-98)
Rushworth and Dreaper (1910-39)
J. and W. Sames (1855-1914)
J.W. Sawyer (1885-1952)
The Scholey Organ Co. (unknown)
J. Scott (1882-1921)
Ed. Senior and Sons (unknown)
C.I. Smart (1877-91)
R. Smith (c.1850-1907)
W.F. Smith and Co. (1890-6)
E. & W. Snell (1864-1907)
Harry Snell (1891-1901)
The Spencers (1855-c.1963)
R. Stather (1870-1908)
F.C. Stevens (1900-12)
R.F. Stevens (1853-1978)
Story and Clark (1892-)
J. Strong and Sons (1889-1949)
Thompson and Govan (unknown)
A. Wagstaff (1886-1936)
H. Wellstead (c.1887-1912)
F. Whitefield (c.1888)
W. Whitelock (c.1851-85)
Wholesale Piano and Organ Mfg. Co. (c.1900-6)
Whomes Ltd. (1871-1960)
G. Williams (c.1897-1900)
H. Williams (c.1893-1904)
Thomas Woolley (c.1844-1914)
A. Zawadski and Co. (c.1875-8)
Unknown 2MP/10
Bell Piano and Organ Co. (1864-1928)
Berlin Organ Co. (1890-1904)
Clarabella Organ Co. (c.1898-1900)
W. Doherty & Co. (1868-)
Dominion Organ Co.
J.C. Hallman (1949-65)
D.W. Karn Piano & Organ Co. (1867-c.1924)
Mason & Risch (1871-c.1900)
Minshall (1939-55)
Sherlock-Manning (1902-1950)
Thomas Organ Co. (1875-c.1921)
Uxbridge Organ Co. (1873-1912)
S.R and C.S. Warren
T. Dawkins (1893)
J. Humphreys (1867-1935)
R.F. Stevens (1853-1980)
G. Taylor (c.1907)
Tyler Apparatus Co. Ltd. (c.1915)
Whomes Ltd. (1871-1960)
E. Barry (1855)
R.H.M. Bosanquet (1872-3)
C. Brown (1875-85)
T.A. Jennings (1861-3)
Jordan (unknown)
Malkin and Partch (1935)
Dr. A.R. McClure (c.1940)
Moore and Moore (1878-1921)
R. Snell (c.1825-71)
Perrett (c.1931)
Ariel (dates unknown)
Auto Organ Co. (c.1900)
Peter Black (c.1890-1905)
Boyd Ltd. (c.1875-1929)
Cullum and Best (dates unknown)
John Dewhurst (c.1889)
J.M. Draper (1882-c.1897)
J.H. Ebblewhite (c.1883)
G. Foucher (c.1881)
London Piano and Organ Co. (c.1910)
John Malcolm and Co. (c.1891-1924)
E. Malkin (c.1929-54)
E.H. Mattika (1887-96)
A. Maxfield (1859-1918)
Mojon, Manger and Co. (c.1885-6)
Orchestrelle Co. (1899-1930)
J. Thibouville-Lamy (c.1882-1910)
P. Trueman (c.1993)
Wallis Ltd. (c.1898-1900)
P.K. Watts (c.1980)
M. Welte and Sons (1832-1936)
Geo. Whight and Co. (1878-1899)
Free Reed Pipe Stops
Abbott and Smith (c.1892)
Aeolian (-)
C. Anneessens (1865-1903)
George Ashdown Audsley
J.J. Binns (1880-1929)
J.C. Bishop and Sons (dates unknown)
Francis Booth
Commander E.W.E. Caldwell (date unknown)
Rest Cartwright and Sons
The John Compton Organ Co.
Conacher, Sheffield and Co.
Peter Conacher and Co.
John Spencer Dane (1868-75)
Gray and Davidson (1838-unknown)
Harrison and Harrison
Hele and Co. (1865 onwards)
Wm. Hill and Son (c.1837-1916)
R. Hope-Jones (1887-1903)
W.A. Kerman (unknown)
Kirtland and Jardine (1848-89)
T.C. Lewis and Co. Ltd. (c.1860-1918)
J. Milham (1870-95)
Norman and Beard Ltd. (1889-1916)
J.F. Schulze (c.1851-7)
E.F. Walcker (1820-)
J.W. Walker and Sons (1828-)
H.T. Wedlake (1859-1902)
Henry Willis
Unknown Makers
Ball, Beavon and Co. (c.1888-1921)
Beare (unknown)
Bennetts and Bennetts (1880-95)
Josiah Blackman (unknown)
W.C. Burden and Co. (unknown)
Chappell and Co. (1811-c.1883)
Cornish & Co.
Crane and Sons (c.1875-1969)
Dale, Forty and Co. (1873-)
Duck, Son and Pinker (1848-2011)
Edwards (c.1954)
H.J. Goulden and Goulden & Wind (c.1884-1911)
C.W. Hands and Co. (1866-1903)
C.F. Hocking
J.J.&T. Hopkinson (1835-1919)
E. Horne (1883-1926)
William Lea (1871-c.1930)
Lister and Sons (1875-1938)
Wood & Marshall and Joshua Marshall & Co. (1886-)
Metzler and Co. (1788-1903)
Morgan and Scott Ltd. (c.1883-1983)
John G. Murdoch and Co. Ltd. (1883-1916-1970)
Mustel (1853-1980)
Emmanuel Myers (1869-84
The National Sunday School Union (c.1898)
A.E. Ramsden (1860-94)
Wm. W. Reeves
H. Riley and Sons Ltd. (1851-c.1906)
B. Samuel and Son (1832-1921
Salvationist Supplies Ltd. (unknown)
Scholastic Musical Instrument Company (unknown)
Sherwin (1855-)
Smith, Manchester (c.1885-1901)
Stonefield (c.1900-20)
Thompson and Shackell Limited (c.1886)
J. Wallis and Son (1848-1928)
White and Sentance (c.1887)
G.F. Adamson (c.1880-1915)
Thomas Batt (c.1882)
B.P.A. Ltd. (-1970s)
B.O.B. - British Organ Blowing (1931-)
British Reeds Ltd. (1947-50)
H. Brooks and Co. Ltd. (1847-1920)
R.W. Clark, later Sebright and Clark (1877-c.1963)
A. Clayton (c.1898)
T. Croger (c.1859-62)
W. Dewar (c.1883)
Jean Estève (1840-c.1875)
Fletcher and Newman (-c.1976)
Hammond Organ Reed Co.(1856-1909)
Herrburger-Brooks (1920-)
J.A. Jacobs (1873-c.90)
J. & J. Goddard (1842-c.1924)
Mainguet (-1910)
Morgan (c.1882)
Munroe Organ Reed Co. (1879-99)
Joseph Marshall (1900-19)
James Murgatroyd (1884-)
J. Payne
Léon Pinet Co. (1875-)
E. Smith and Co. (1879-c.1909)
Spencer and Hailes (c.1890)
Turban & Cie
R.E. Vestey and Son (1860-c.1945)
C. Virot (c.1878-83)
C.A. Wallgate & Co. Ltd. c.1933
Watkins and Watson Ltd.
Other Names - Harmoniums
Other Names - Reed Organs
Rob Allan